New Delhi, Aug 14 (VOICE) Addressing the nation on the eve of the 78th Independence Day, President Droupadi Murmu said on Wednesday that on August 14, people must remember the horrors brought by the Partition of the country in 1947.“Today, on August 14, the country is observing Partition Horrors Remembrance Day. It is a day to remember the horrors of Partition. When our great nation was divided, millions of people were forced to migrate. Lakhs of people lost their lives,” the President said.
A day before celebrating Independence Day, “we remember that unprecedented human tragedy and stand in solidarity with the families that were torn apart”, she said.
The President added that India is also celebrating the 75th anniversary of the Constitution.
“The journey of our newly Independent nation faced serious hurdles. Remaining firm on the constitutional ideals of justice, equality, liberty and fraternity, we are moving ahead with the mission to ensure that India regains its proud place on the world stage,” the President said.
She added that by adopting the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita in July this year, India has removed one more relic of the colonial era.
“The new code is oriented towards ensuring justice for the victims of crime instead of focusing on punishment alone. I see this change as a tribute to our freedom fighters,” President Murmu said.
She also highlighted the interlinks between the dreams of our freedom fighters and the aspirations of future generations who will see India regain its full glory in the years to come.
“India is proud to be at the forefront of humankind’s battle to save the planet from the worst effects of global warming. I also urge you all to make small but effective changes in your lifestyle and contribute to the cause of dealing with the challenges of climate change,” the President said.
She added that a variety of special government schemes have also been designed to keep women at the forefront. Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam is aimed at ensuring the real empowerment of women.
The Prime Minister’s package of five schemes for employment and skilling will benefit 4.1 crore youth over five years, she said.
“Under a new initiative of the government, one crore youth will be doing internships in leading companies over five years. All these will be foundational contributions towards building a Viksit Bharat,” the President said.