“I discovered the lifting power of joy at one of the lowest points in my life. The energy of joy gave me the ability to explore my life and more importantly to view my challenges in a different light. Turbulent times cast dark clouds of doom and gloom over our life, we must consciously find ways to seek out the sun or we may feel we’ve lost out on those pockets of time. But, more importantly I recognized we grow and even can glow when life seems bleak.”
“Even a glimmer of light can lead us on a path to find a solution. Joyful moments gave me that flicker of light that strengthened my spirit to keep going. When we add an element of joy as a tool to balance our lives, we can start to offset the unfair setbacks and sorrows. When we boldly lift our head up from the problem, for even a moment to reflect on anything that can bring us a small spark of joy. We can use that joyful moment to strengthen and refuel our spirit to shine in a new direction.”

Kelley Cunningham is a transformational coach who has been ahead of the game in championing the narrative of never giving up. In her new book, THE POWER OF JOY—the ultimate guide to living your best life ever—she highlights a thriving mindset to help people not give up on their dreams. It is so easy to get stuck when times get tough. But you know the saying, “when times get tough, the tough get tougher,” thus, let’s start to toughen up with the powerful strength of joy—yes joy!
Of course, accessing that joy when life looks bleak or unfair can be challenging— okay, more than challenging—but it is entirely doable.
In the pages of her new book Kelley offers her personal story of how she faced multilayers of abrupt adversity, emotional losses, and tremendous life struggles, in her family, including a split-second in time that quite literally swiped all their lives sideways. This happened when her husband, Jeffery, suffered a severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). Throughout their long road to recovery, Kelley learned to lean on joy—in cherished memories, in the love of her family, in even the tiniest moments of quiet within the chaos. And she learned to thrive.
With practical tips and tools that can be adopted into our daily lives—regardless of circumstance—as well as inspirational and essential encouragement, this guide will show you how to tap directly into the amazing and renewable power of joy. Her book will provide you with strength and helping you to live your best life: with faith, love, harmonious balance, gratitude, autonomy, passion, and purpose.
Kelley also believes in the ripple effect of joy—when you release the energy of joy out into the world, joy will boomerang back at you! A portion of the proceeds of her book will joyfully go towards supporting many nonprofit charities, including Joyful Children’s Home, a small orphanage Kelley and her husband Jeffery co-founded in Naibowa Parish, in Uganda.
“Everyone deserves a more intimate connection with joy, I hope to ignite a revolution of joy within my readers hearts—empower yourself with the all empowering energy of joy!”
Kelley Cunningham’s book, The Power of Joy is available at all fine online bookstores.