Today, Mississauga City Council received Partners in Homebuilding, a report from the Mayor’s Housing Task Force. As the housing crisis continues to worsen, the report challenges all levels of government, including Mississauga, to think and act differently.
The recommendations in the task force report will help guide future housing efforts in Mississauga. As an immediate next step, Mayor Parrish will bring forward a motion next week with actions the City will take to help quickly address housing affordability.
The task force includes more than 30 experts from Ontario’s private and not-for-profit building and development industry. It was assembled by Mayor Parrish two weeks after taking office in June 2024. The Mayor’s goal was to help break down barriers by bringing together those who plan for and approve housing (government) and those who build it (industry).
Over the course of four months, and engagement with federal and provincial ministries, the task force assembled a series of recommendations in four key priority areas:
- Reform development charges, taxes and fees to help lower housing costs: Ninety-five per cent of new homes built in Canada are built by the private sector. The Task Force is recommending 14 actions to help balance demand and incentivize more affordable housing developments.
- Update building and design standards to help boost supply and make building more affordable: In a housing crisis, the aim of guidelines and standards must be to help – not hinder – good city-building. The Task Force is recommending seven actions that will help create efficiencies across the industry to increase supply.
- Transform zoning to unlock more housing: Zoning reform provides certainty for developers and can help streamline the development application process. The Task Force is recommending five actions that will support Mississauga’s transformation into a dynamic urban city.
- Create sustainable programs and funding that will mobilize industry to help meet the demand for affordable housing: The private sector can – and is willing to – play a significant role in helping to build affordable housing. The Task Force is recommending four actions to help develop a sustainable, long-term funding program for affordable housing.
The report also outlines 14 actions the City is taking right now to address the housing crisis, including:
- Increasing housing supply: Adding permissions for another 124,000 units to boost residential growth, making it easier to build mixed-use communities around transit, and finding creative ways to build new housing above or alongside city facilities.
- Bringing down costs: Offering financial incentives to get more purpose-built rentals built, making it less expensive to build homes on residential lots – like garden suites, triplexes and fourplexes, lowering borrowing costs and costs for non-profit developers.
- Streamlining processes: Creating a housing-focused team of city-builders at the City to review applications quickly, update urban design guidelines, improve financial policies, and drive efficiencies in the housing development approval process.
In the coming months, staff will update the City’s Housing Action Plan with recommendations that will be advancing from the Mayor’s Housing Task Force.
To read the full report and learn more about the task force members, visit
Since taking office, tackling the housing crisis has been my top priority. Young people cannot continue being forced out of our city because they can’t afford a home. Now is the time for new solutions. I want to thank my housing task force for their time, expertise and advice. I asked for collaboration and concrete solutions that could help address the crisis and they delivered. There was a 95 per cent drop in new high-rise sales in the region last year. It’s clear we can no longer afford to wait. We must do what we can right now to help get shovels in the ground – our residents deserve nothing less. – Mississauga Mayor Carolyn Parrish
Mississauga is taking bold steps to align housing priorities with our vision for economic growth and urban vibrancy. By expanding the residential capacity in our Official Plan and modernizing zoning regulations we’re enabling a new wave of investment and development. Our specialized housing team is driving efficiencies across city operations, helping to deliver safe housing options and innovation that supports Mississauga’s reputation as a dynamic city of opportunity. This forward-thinking approach ensures that as we grow, we remain a competitive, inclusive and prosperous place to live, work and visit. – Andrew Whittemore, Commissioner, Planning and Building
I am pleased to be part of the Mayor’s Housing Task Force, working collaboratively with the Mayor, City Officials, and industry stakeholders to develop solutions to address the complexities of building housing today. I commend the Mayor for her forward-thinking approach and for bringing together the Housing Task Force, and hope other municipalities will follow. I look forward to continuing to work with the City of Mississauga to build new homes for years to come. – Robert Blazevski, President and Chief Operating Office, DiamondCorp
It has been a privilege being a member of the task force collaborating and sharing ideas with Mayor Parrish, City of Mississauga Staff, industry partners, and all the members of the task force with the collective goal of getting housing built in Mississauga. In my view, this report provides a blueprint of tangible action items that, when implemented, can pave the way for the delivery of much needed new housing within our community. – Salvatore Cavarretta, Vice President, Development, TMG Builders